Friday, January 19, 2018

Long Time Coming.. Hello 2018!

It's 2018, where are the flying cars and shuttles to take me to the moon!? 
Talk about a disappointment!

Anyways, where were we... Ah yes, HELLO! I am back. Boy, has it been a long time. Seriously, a long time. I do apologize for that, I know in my last post I talked about how I was going to start posting more because life got so crazy I just didn't have the time. Well, I tried and found that as much as I wanted to share a bit of my life with all of you, I really honestly didn't have the time and quite frankly I didn't really know what to say. 

I don't particularly know what to say now, but I just know I need to say something. SOMETHING!  There, I said it. Thanks for reading. The end.

All joking aside, I'm going to try to be back a bit more regularly, I just need to figure out what I want to say, and how to say it all. Let's start with a little update since we last posted. 
My hair dye sucked, if you even remember that post. Pulp Riot was as terrible as N'Rage and I do not recommend. I will stick to Pravana Vivids, thank you very much. I kept up my side shave until just before Christmas.. I think I'm finally ready to let it grow and let me tell you it is driving me CRAZY. 

October was a horrible month for my family. My husband, if you didn't know, is/was a graphic designer for an audio/video company. Well, he has been working there for the last 20 years, and they were coming up on their 40 year anniversary this year actually. But something happened. Digital media finally caught up with them and their sales dipped.. with that they lost contracts and you know what that means... My husband lost his job. He was the breadwinner in our household and without his income it made it difficult to do much of anything, so you can see why I really sort of lost the motivation to blog about anything because my whole life was about to get a whole lot more stressful.

Now a lot of people during this time were like well, it's not the end because you have the studio. Well the studio makes just enough to cover rent, so that wasn't really going to win us a whole lot of extra money to pay for bills and take care of 2 kids at home. With a HUGE amount of help from my family and our friends we were able to make it by until unemployment started coming in, but even that took almost 2 months to get squared away. That meant my husband was without a job for nearly 3 months. This was a scary time for us, we even considered moving to a cheaper state, and selling off what we had that we didn't absolutely need to take with us. It wasn't a thought that sat well with me, and at the time there wasn't really anyone I could talk to about it because there was so much uncertainty I didn't want anyone to panic. 

December was really rough, with Christmas and everything going on with our families for the holidays we didn't know what we were going to do. This is when my friends and family really stepped in and helped us out. We are forever grateful for what they did for us. By this time the first of the unemployment checks started to come in, and that offset a tiny bit.. The studio was making by for the time being, but it wasn't all good new for us there either. The owner of the building decided to sell the building without any notice, which really sucked. The new owner took possession in January, and well, we're still waiting to see what is going to happen there.

 Happy New Year, eh? No probably not, not for most of us anyway. The new owner taking possession of the building my studio in has been a complete joke. We met with the a lady for the "management company" and she collected the keys and took notes and that was the last time we saw her. Kinda suspicious if you ask me. Rumor has it the new owner wants to demolish the building, and build something new on the lot, but has had no communication with any of the tenants in the building, which has proved to be very frustrating. But we'll see how that goes... since we're still waiting. 

Tonight we had our first real snow storm (if you can call it that) and the transformer outside the building exploded and left our entire building without power... overnight. Sooo all the photo sessions for this weekend have temporarily been put on hold until I can guarantee that the power has been restored and we are operational again. You see the one problem with the transformer blowing up during a snow storm is there isn't a whole lot the power company can do. Problem number two the building my studio in was built in 1911, and really has not had a whole heck of a lot of updating done to it, so there is the risk that our pipes will freeze, and well.. let's just not think about what will happen after that.. Heh. 

On a positive note, Tara and I had a wonder photo session together, we had a girls night with a pretty intense pillow fight. You can see some of the photos posted on my facebook page, as well as on the Studio's facebook page. As fun as it was, it has been a nightmare to try to clean up all the feathers, as I'm sure you can imagine. But I would 10000% do it again, so if you're looking to have a good time, come have a girls night at the studio, and bring a friend with you too!

I have also started to get back into sewing, and I made myself a skirt, and altered a very ugly over-sized (for me) dress into an adorable skirt. I have more material I plan to sew into another skirt, once I find the time to lay out the fabric and get everything measured. I may do a progress post about that as well, we'll see.

Well, I hope that gets you up to speed just a tiny bit. Be sure to keep checking back as we have still been posting a bit on our facebook blog, but you're welcome to follow me on Instagram as well. I hope to write for you again soon. Thanks for reading!


P.S. My husband did manage to find a job, finally.

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